
dinner night .. next

DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum Berlin

third landscape

DRIVE, volker kreidler

Deluxe Dritte Landschaft

Fraunhofer 2017 – Fraunhofer 2017

panoramic photography india

Automobil Forum, Volkswagen AG/Volkswagen Group India

dlx – India

new polo: in the white library

press kits with complete information

dlx | polo | fineprint | press-kit

when machines dream..

Automobilforum, Volkswagen AG / Ars Electronica

als electronica, wenn maschinen träumen, key visual und titelentwicklung als konzept für drei jahre, informations- & kommunikationsmittel, szenario, out-of-home, digital

light is shaping

Fraunhofer 2015

licht gestaltet – Fraunhofer

a class of its own: GOLF

very fine surfaces as a sign of quality

pressemappen | fineprint |  volkswagen golf

GQ dinner night

Volkswagen AG, GQ

Deluxe GQ Dinner Night

marketing award


Deluxe Marketing Award

festival night, berlinale 2015

BURDA, BMW, Technicolor

Deluxe Festival Night 2015

neuemeister concerts

communication elements, DKO/edelmusic/DRIVE

dlx | Poster | Design


communication tools for the introduction of the Passat for Volkswagen

electrified!: pressemappen, info-medien, pr-tools, start elektromobilität, test-drives, dynamische präsentationen, bauzaun, out-of-home media, berlin, DRIVE

golf generations

Automobil Forum, Volkswagen AG / Volkswagen

Generation Golf

effective medicine for humans

naturheilärzte greven

dlx | webdesign | Praxis

digital press-kit 2.0

new generation pr-tools for Volkswagen

VW digital presskit

now and tomorrow

DRIVE, AFF-Galerie

morgenland, ausstellung, DRIVE

neuemeister book

DKO / edelmusic / DRIVE

neue meister book


Automobil Forum, Volkswagen AG/Volkswagen; Armin Müller-Stahl


ars electronica 2017

DRIVE, Volkswagen AG

Deluxe Ars Electronica 2017

automotive history

Automobil Forum, Volkswagen AG/Volkswagen

dlx – Cabrio

ars electronica 2018

DRIVE, Volkswagen AG